
in package

Spitfire Application Class. This class is the base of every other 'app', an app is a wrapper of controllers (this allows to plug them into other SF sites) that defines a set of rules to avoid collisions with the rest of the apps.

Every app resides inside of a namespace, this externally defined variable defines what calls Spitfire redirects to the app.


César de la Cal

Table of Contents

$router  : Router
__construct()  : mixed
Instances a new application. The application maps a directory where it's residing with it's name-space and the URL it's serving.
directory()  : string
Returns the directory this application is watching.
namespace()  : mixed
Returns the application's class-namespace. This is the namespace in which spitfire will look for controllers, models etc for this application.
url()  : string
Gets the URL space this application is serving. Please note that it's highly recommended to avoid using nested namespaces since it will often lead to broken applications.




Instances a new application. The application maps a directory where it's residing with it's name-space and the URL it's serving.

public __construct(Router $router) : mixed

Please note that some features need to be 'baked' for the applications to properly work (like inline-routes and prebuilt assets). It is recommendable that the 'baking' is performed automatically on composer::install or similar.

$router : Router

A scoped router for this application to write it's routes to.

Return values


Returns the directory this application is watching.

public abstract directory() : string
Return values

The directory the app resides in and where it's controllers, models, etc directories are located


Returns the application's class-namespace. This is the namespace in which spitfire will look for controllers, models etc for this application.

public abstract namespace() : mixed
Return values


Gets the URL space this application is serving. Please note that it's highly recommended to avoid using nested namespaces since it will often lead to broken applications.

public url() : string
Return values

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