
in package

This class provides utility access to most of Spitfire's most common paths, including the current working directory, the root directory of spitfire, the vendor directory and the different locations of each application that is active.

All directories must be returned with a trailing slash to ensure consistent behavior across different apps.

Table of Contents

config()  : string
The config path should contain configuration files that the system can load to make decisions based on the preferences the operator has determined.
public()  : string
Returns a path to the public folder (or a selected path within it). Files in this location can be served by the web-server.
publicStorage()  : string
The public storage folder returns a location to storage that the system provides within the scope of the webserver's document root. This means that files placed here will be accessible by users without the need for credentials or anything similar.
resources()  : string
The resources folder contains uncompiled assets, templates, locales, etc that the system can use to enrich the experience of the user.
root()  : string
Returns the path of the root directory of spitfire.
spitfire()  : string
Returns the location of the spitfire installation. Most spitfire installations do not need to have access to the location of the framework.
storage()  : string
The storage folder allows the application to determine where it should place files within the server. Files placed here are not accessible by the users without code that exposes them.
working()  : string
Returns the current working directory for the application. This will determine how the system looks up files.



The config path should contain configuration files that the system can load to make decisions based on the preferences the operator has determined.

public config([string $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string = ''

A path to locate within the folder [optional]

Return values


Returns a path to the public folder (or a selected path within it). Files in this location can be served by the web-server.

public public([string $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string = ''
Return values


The public storage folder returns a location to storage that the system provides within the scope of the webserver's document root. This means that files placed here will be accessible by users without the need for credentials or anything similar.

public publicStorage([string|null $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string|null = ''
Return values


The resources folder contains uncompiled assets, templates, locales, etc that the system can use to enrich the experience of the user.

public resources([string $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string = ''
Return values


Returns the path of the root directory of spitfire.

public root([string $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string = ''


Return values


Returns the location of the spitfire installation. Most spitfire installations do not need to have access to the location of the framework.

public spitfire([string $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string = ''

A path to locate within the folder [optional]

Return values

The location of the spitfire installation


The storage folder allows the application to determine where it should place files within the server. Files placed here are not accessible by the users without code that exposes them.

public storage([string|null $path = '' ]) : string
$path : string|null = ''
Return values


Returns the current working directory for the application. This will determine how the system looks up files.

public working([string $path = '' ]) : string

The working directory is not always the directory that contains the files of the application. Here are two examples:

  • php console ... // Working directory == application root
  • cd /files; php /myapp/console ... // Working directory =/= application root

Whenever working with the application's file you should use root(). When letting the user define a set of files to work with or a directory to write to, you should use the working directory.

$path : string = ''

A path to locate within the folder [optional]

Return values

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