
in package
implements ServerRequestInterface

The request class is a component that allows developers to retrieve information about data that usually is delivered by the webserver. For example, get and post data are usually stored by this object in order to allow your app to use it.

Interfaces, Classes and Traits


Table of Contents

$attributes  : mixed
$body  : StreamInterface
$cookie  : mixed
Allows your app to maintain a copy of the COOKIE variable. This is especially useful when writing tests considering different requests as you will easily be able to swap the values.
$get  : Get
Contains information what information was delivered via query parameters of the URL. This will be a special _GET object that will aid generating canonicals.
$headers  : Headers
This object allows your app to conveniently access the HTTP headers. These will contain information like DNT or User agent that can be relevant to your application and alter the experience the user receives.
$method  : string
The HTTP verb that is used to indicate what the server should do with the data it receives from the client application. This allows us to specifically route some things in the application.
$post  : mixed
This contains a mixed version of _POST and _FILES that allows your app to conveniently use the data generated by this two sources in a single place.
$serverParams  : array<string|int, string>
The server parameter array contains all the runtime information the server has about itself and the current request. Usually this data is directly originated from $_SERVER
$uploads  : array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface>
The array tree of uploads, this is a mix of UploadInterfaces and arrays. The application can the use the array to manipulate the uploaded file.
$uri  : UriInterface
Contains data that can be retrieved out of the Path string of the URL. For example, the controller / action / object of the request or data about custom route parameters.
$version  : string
The version of the HTTP protocol being used for this request.
__construct()  : mixed
Creates a new Request. This object 'simulates' a link between the user and the Application. It allows you to retrieve the data the user has sent with the Request and therefore adapt the behavior of your application accordingly.
getAttribute()  : mixed
getAttributes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getBody()  : StreamInterface
Returns the content that is to be sent with the body. This is a string your application has to set beforehand.
getCookieParams()  : array<string|int, string>
getHeader()  : array<string|int, string>
getHeaderLine()  : string
The header line represents the data that is being sent to the browser, some headers allow sending multiple values, separated by commas, which the client cannot receive unless we convert our arrays in comma separated strings.
getHeaders()  : mixed
getMethod()  : string
Returns the name of the method used to request from this server. Currently we focus on supporting GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS
getParsedBody()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getProtocolVersion()  : string
Returns the version of the HTTP protocol used to send this request. For PHP most of this is transparent when handling a request, so it's possible that this data is actually not properly poulated.
getQueryParams()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the array of query parameters (_GET) that the request was sent along with.
getRange()  : array<string|int, mixed>
For ranged requests, this function provides a convenience access to the range data.
getRequestTarget()  : string
Returns the request target. I am still not 100% certain what the request target is, it seems to be some kind of fallback that I am not certain how it works (apparently you can request wildcard data from some servers).
getServerParams()  : array<string|int, string>
The server params function returns the equivalent of the _SERVER superglobal. We generally set the content of the variable to _SERVER but you may come across implementations that override it completely or partially.
getUploadedFiles()  : array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface>
Returns a tree of uploaded files. The tree contains arrays mixed with UploadedFileInterface objects that contain the actual metadata.
getUri()  : UriInterface
Returns the URI used to request a resource from the server.
hasHeader()  : bool
isPost()  : bool
Whether this request was posted.
isRange()  : bool
If the request contains range information (the client only wishes to retrieve a subset of the resource), this endpoint will return true.
withAddedHeader()  : Request
Returns a copy of the response, but with additional information on a header, which allows the user to push data onto the header.
withAttribute()  : ServerRequestInterface
Override a single attribute that the server received. Please note that this method does not support nested access, so you cannot override a key in a nested attribute.
withBody()  : mixed
withCookieParams()  : mixed
withHeader()  : Request
Returns a copy of the response, with the header that the user has added.
withMethod()  : mixed
withoutAttribute()  : Request
Removes the attribute from the request.
withoutHeader()  : Request
Returns a copy of the response, without the given header.
withParsedBody()  : Request
withProtocolVersion()  : mixed
withQueryParams()  : Request
withRequestTarget()  : Request
In our service this is not implemented. Calling it has no effect
withUploadedFiles()  : mixed
withUri()  : ServerRequestInterface
Override the request URI for the server.



private mixed $attributes

Allows your app to maintain a copy of the COOKIE variable. This is especially useful when writing tests considering different requests as you will easily be able to swap the values.

private mixed $cookie


Contains information what information was delivered via query parameters of the URL. This will be a special _GET object that will aid generating canonicals.

private Get $get

If you're writing an application/component that cannot guarantee having the request.replace_globals enabled you should use this rather than $_GET


This object allows your app to conveniently access the HTTP headers. These will contain information like DNT or User agent that can be relevant to your application and alter the experience the user receives.

private Headers $headers


The HTTP verb that is used to indicate what the server should do with the data it receives from the client application. This allows us to specifically route some things in the application.

private string $method


This contains a mixed version of _POST and _FILES that allows your app to conveniently use the data generated by this two sources in a single place.

private mixed $post


The server parameter array contains all the runtime information the server has about itself and the current request. Usually this data is directly originated from $_SERVER

private array<string|int, string> $serverParams


The array tree of uploads, this is a mix of UploadInterfaces and arrays. The application can the use the array to manipulate the uploaded file.

private array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface> $uploads


Contains data that can be retrieved out of the Path string of the URL. For example, the controller / action / object of the request or data about custom route parameters.

private UriInterface $uri


The version of the HTTP protocol being used for this request.

private string $version = '1.1'



Creates a new Request. This object 'simulates' a link between the user and the Application. It allows you to retrieve the data the user has sent with the Request and therefore adapt the behavior of your application accordingly.

public __construct(string $method, UriInterface $uri, Headers $headers, array<string|int, string> $cookies, array<string|int, string> $serverParams, StreamInterface $body) : mixed

[Notice] This function does NOT validate the data it receives and assumes it is correct. This is due to this code being executed every single time your app is invoked and therefore being required to be lightweight.

$method : string
$uri : UriInterface
$headers : Headers
$cookies : array<string|int, string>
$serverParams : array<string|int, string>
$body : StreamInterface
Return values


public getAttribute(mixed $name[, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed
$name : mixed
$default : mixed = null
Return values


public getAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the content that is to be sent with the body. This is a string your application has to set beforehand.

public getBody() : StreamInterface

In case you're using Spitfire's Context object to manage the context the response will get the view it contains and render that before returning it.

Return values


public getCookieParams() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>


public getHeader(string $name) : array<string|int, string>
$name : string
Return values
array<string|int, string>


The header line represents the data that is being sent to the browser, some headers allow sending multiple values, separated by commas, which the client cannot receive unless we convert our arrays in comma separated strings.

public getHeaderLine(string $name) : string
$name : string
Return values


public getHeaders() : mixed
Return values


Returns the name of the method used to request from this server. Currently we focus on supporting GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS

public getMethod() : string
Return values


public getParsedBody() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the version of the HTTP protocol used to send this request. For PHP most of this is transparent when handling a request, so it's possible that this data is actually not properly poulated.

public getProtocolVersion() : string
Return values


Returns the array of query parameters (_GET) that the request was sent along with.

public getQueryParams() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


For ranged requests, this function provides a convenience access to the range data.

public getRange() : array<string|int, mixed>

This method only supports ranges in Bytes

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the request target. I am still not 100% certain what the request target is, it seems to be some kind of fallback that I am not certain how it works (apparently you can request wildcard data from some servers).

public getRequestTarget() : string
Return values


The server params function returns the equivalent of the _SERVER superglobal. We generally set the content of the variable to _SERVER but you may come across implementations that override it completely or partially.

public getServerParams() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>


Returns a tree of uploaded files. The tree contains arrays mixed with UploadedFileInterface objects that contain the actual metadata.

public getUploadedFiles() : array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface>
Return values
array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface>


Returns the URI used to request a resource from the server.

public getUri() : UriInterface
Return values


public hasHeader(string $name) : bool
$name : string
Return values


Whether this request was posted.

public isPost() : bool
Return values


If the request contains range information (the client only wishes to retrieve a subset of the resource), this endpoint will return true.

public isRange() : bool
Return values


Returns a copy of the response, but with additional information on a header, which allows the user to push data onto the header.

public withAddedHeader(string $name, string|array<string|int, string> $value) : Request
$name : string
$value : string|array<string|int, string>
Return values


Override a single attribute that the server received. Please note that this method does not support nested access, so you cannot override a key in a nested attribute.

public withAttribute(mixed $name, mixed $value) : ServerRequestInterface
$name : mixed
$value : mixed
Return values


public withBody(StreamInterface $body) : mixed
$body : StreamInterface
Return values


public withCookieParams(array<string|int, string> $cookies) : mixed
$cookies : array<string|int, string>
Return values


Returns a copy of the response, with the header that the user has added.

public withHeader(string $name, string|array<string|int, string> $value) : Request
$name : string
$value : string|array<string|int, string>
Return values


public withMethod(mixed $method) : mixed
$method : mixed
Return values


Removes the attribute from the request.

public withoutAttribute(mixed $name) : Request
$name : mixed
Return values


Returns a copy of the response, without the given header.

public withoutHeader(string $name) : Request
$name : string
Return values


public withParsedBody(null|array<string|int, mixed> $data) : Request
$data : null|array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


public withProtocolVersion(mixed $version) : mixed
$version : mixed
Return values


public withQueryParams(array<string|int, mixed> $query) : Request
$query : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


In our service this is not implemented. Calling it has no effect

public withRequestTarget(mixed $requestTarget) : Request
$requestTarget : mixed
Return values


public withUploadedFiles(array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface> $uploadedFiles) : mixed
$uploadedFiles : array<string|int, array|\Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface>
Return values


Override the request URI for the server.

public withUri(UriInterface $uri[, mixed $preserveHost = false ]) : ServerRequestInterface
$uri : UriInterface
$preserveHost : mixed = false
Return values

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