
in package

The app manifest object contains information that the user can define by adding a manifest file to the project. Currently, the only way to add manifest information to a project is through composer.json

Please note that the application may cache the manifest object in production environments, making it ignore changes to the file itself. To rebuild the cache, please execute the appropriate command.


Add an option to add publishing


César de la Cal Bretschneider

Table of Contents

$apps  : mixed
An array of applications that this package provides. These may request Spitfire to load apps from other manifests. This also defines which events these applications receive
$entrypoint  : class-string
The entrypoint is the name of the class that initializes the application, this allows the application to intiailize it's routes.
$events  : array<string|int, string>
Contains an array of events that the system is listening for. Please note that the system requires a two way connection, the apps entry needs to broadcast the events to this
$name  : string
The name of the application. This should only be used for reference and debugging and does not reflect any real content.
__construct()  : mixed
The manifest object contains the data that spitfire could extract and use from an app manifest included in composer.json
getApps()  : mixed
getEntrypoint()  : class-string
Returns the name of the class that can be used to bootstrap this application, this includes the init code for the router, allows the application to initialize itself, etc.
getEvents()  : array<string|int, string>
getName()  : string



An array of applications that this package provides. These may request Spitfire to load apps from other manifests. This also defines which events these applications receive

private mixed $apps


The entrypoint is the name of the class that initializes the application, this allows the application to intiailize it's routes.

private class-string $entrypoint


Contains an array of events that the system is listening for. Please note that the system requires a two way connection, the apps entry needs to broadcast the events to this

private array<string|int, string> $events


The name of the application. This should only be used for reference and debugging and does not reflect any real content.

private string $name



The manifest object contains the data that spitfire could extract and use from an app manifest included in composer.json

public __construct(string $name, string $entrypoint, Collection<string|int, AppManifest$apps, array<string|int, string> $events) : mixed
$name : string
$entrypoint : string
$apps : Collection<string|int, AppManifest>
$events : array<string|int, string>
Return values


public getApps() : mixed
Return values


Returns the name of the class that can be used to bootstrap this application, this includes the init code for the router, allows the application to initialize itself, etc.

public getEntrypoint() : class-string
Return values


public getEvents() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>


public getName() : string
Return values

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