
FailureException extends Exception
in package
implements PublicExceptionInterface

A failure exception is a standard exception that is thrown when the application wishes to report a failure to the user. This is a very generic type, and should whenever possible be replaced by more specific issues that allow the application to attempt to resolve the issue or give further details to the end-user.

Spitfire will then use an error page that is appropriate for the issue that was raised. This is selected by the exception code. So a failure with a 500 error code will show a system error, while a failure with a 404 code should present the user with a dialog that informs them that the resource can't be located.


César de la Cal Bretschneider

Interfaces, Classes and Traits


Table of Contents

__construct()  : mixed
Creates a new failure exception. This indicates that the application can't continue and needs to be terminated.
httpCode()  : int
In this kind of exception, the http code is directly correlated with the code of the exception.



Creates a new failure exception. This indicates that the application can't continue and needs to be terminated.

public __construct([string $message = "" ][, int $code = 500 ][, Throwable $previous = NULL ]) : mixed
$message : string = ""
$code : int = 500
$previous : Throwable = NULL
Return values


In this kind of exception, the http code is directly correlated with the code of the exception.

public httpCode() : int
Return values

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