
in package
implements RequestHandlerInterface

The router action handler allows the application to map a route to an action within a controller. This generates a request handler that will use the route to extract parameters and appropriately invoke the action.

For example, when building a route, the application is unable to determine how the route's parameters will be resolved. The route /user/{id} will be mapped to the UserController::retrieve action that receives the id as a parameter.

This means that for a request to /user/1 the route is created without knowledge of the requested url, but the router must return a request handler capable of handling the URL /user/1

This leaves two options, returning a request handler that is able to reuse the route to retrieve the parameters it needs, or creating a single use request handler that ignores the request it receives. We're choosing the first approach for this.

Interfaces, Classes and Traits


Table of Contents

$action  : mixed
$controller  : mixed
$route  : URIPattern
__construct()  : mixed
handle()  : ResponseInterface




public handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values

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