
in package

The URIPattern class is a wrapper to gather several patterns and test them simultaneously.

Table of Contents

$expression  : string
The patterns used by this class to test the URL it receives.
$open  : bool
Indicates whether this is an open ended pattern. This implies that it'll accept URL that are longer than the patterns it can test with (these additional parameters will get appended to the object).
$pattern  : mixed
The pattern is the string that we were given to extract data from the URL. This is mostly used for debugging and information purposes, letting the developer know which rule we're working on.
$variables  : Collection<string|int, array<string|int, string>>
These are the variables that the user defined in their URL pattern. These are matched and returned to the route.
__construct()  : mixed
Instances a new URI Pattern. This class allows your application to test whether a URL matches the pattern you gave to the constructor.
make()  : mixed
reverse()  : string
Takes a parameter list and constructs a string URI from the combination of patterns and parameters.
test()  : Parameters
Tests whether a given $uri matches the patterns that this object holds.



The patterns used by this class to test the URL it receives.

private string $expression


Indicates whether this is an open ended pattern. This implies that it'll accept URL that are longer than the patterns it can test with (these additional parameters will get appended to the object).

private bool $open


The pattern is the string that we were given to extract data from the URL. This is mostly used for debugging and information purposes, letting the developer know which rule we're working on.

private mixed $pattern


These are the variables that the user defined in their URL pattern. These are matched and returned to the route.

private Collection<string|int, array<string|int, string>> $variables



Instances a new URI Pattern. This class allows your application to test whether a URL matches the pattern you gave to the constructor.

public __construct(string $pattern) : mixed
$pattern : string
Return values


public static make(mixed $str) : mixed
$str : mixed
Return values


Takes a parameter list and constructs a string URI from the combination of patterns and parameters.

public reverse(type $parameters) : string
$parameters : type
Return values


Tests whether a given $uri matches the patterns that this object holds.

public test(string $uri) : Parameters

Please note that if the URI is too long and the pattern is not open ended it will throw a missmatch exception.

$uri : string
Return values

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