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compress()  : mixed
The PNGQuant function will automatically compress a PNG image, taking just the path as a parameter. Since it will write the file to the exact same location that your original file was located, you don't need to do any additional work to write it.



The PNGQuant function will automatically compress a PNG image, taking just the path as a parameter. Since it will write the file to the exact same location that your original file was located, you don't need to do any additional work to write it.

public static compress( $img[,  $target = null ]) : mixed

Usually we don't compress originals, to maintain a "as good as possible" copy, but apply this to thumbs and versions we generated with the rather crummy GD compression, so you can optionally pass a second parameter to write to a different file.

$img :

string The file to read in

$target : = null

string The file to write to

Return values

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