
in package
implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, AdapterInterface

Children refers to all models that refer to another (parent) model. This allows to manage Relational databases like they're documents.


César de la Cal Bretschneider

Interfaces, Classes and Traits

An adapter is basically a simple block that contains receives and delivers data both to the user and the database. This turns it into a great tool to sanitize user data and prepare information from the DB in a way that it's user friendly.

Table of Contents

$children  : array<string|int, Model>|null
The models that refer to the parent model. This can be either an array of models or null, depending on whether the adapter has been populated during runtime.
$discarded  : mixed
$field  : ChildrenField
The field the parent uses to refer to this element.
$parent  : Model
The model that this one refers to. Since, one Model can have several referring to it but a model can only refer to one other, we call this model parent.
__construct()  : mixed
__toString()  : mixed
commit()  : type
Settles the content inside the adapter. This method is usually called when the model is being stored. This means the data is considered final and the data inside the adapter is no longer out of sync with the database.
current()  : mixed
dbGetData()  : mixed
This method returns the data the adapter wants to store to the database. The DBMS controller should use this endpoint to collect the data it will store to the driver.
dbSetData()  : mixed
This method does nothing as this field has no direct data in the DBMS and therefore it just ignores whatever the database tries to input.
getField()  : Field
Returns the field this adapter holds data for. This is important for the database driver as it will have to locate the field where it has to place this data.
getModel()  : Model
Returns the parent model for this adapter. This allows any application to trace what adapter this adapter belongs to.
getQuery()  : Query
Returns the query that would be used to retrieve the elements for this adapter. This can be used to add restrictions and query the related records
isSynced()  : bool
Allows the adapter to tell the database driver whether the data inside this is synced (has not been modified) and should be stored to the database to avoid being lost.
key()  : mixed
next()  : mixed
offsetExists()  : mixed
offsetGet()  : mixed
offsetSet()  : mixed
offsetUnset()  : mixed
pluck()  : Model
rewind()  : mixed
rollback()  : mixed
Resets the content inside the adapter. In case you don't want to keep the altered data and want to modify or read the original source data instead of the altered one.
toArray()  : mixed
usrGetData()  : mixed
Returns the data that is meant to reach the 'user space'. Objects here should be programmer friendly and can be objects if needed.
usrSetData()  : mixed
Defines the data inside this adapter. In case the user is trying to set this adapter as the source for itself, which can happen in case the user is reading the adapter and expecting himself to save it back this function will do nothing.
valid()  : mixed



The models that refer to the parent model. This can be either an array of models or null, depending on whether the adapter has been populated during runtime.

private array<string|int, Model>|null $children


The field the parent uses to refer to this element.

private ChildrenField $field


The model that this one refers to. Since, one Model can have several referring to it but a model can only refer to one other, we call this model parent.

private Model $parent



public __construct(ChildrenField $field, Model $model[, mixed $data = null ]) : mixed
$field : ChildrenField
$model : Model
$data : mixed = null
Return values


Settles the content inside the adapter. This method is usually called when the model is being stored. This means the data is considered final and the data inside the adapter is no longer out of sync with the database.

public commit() : type
Return values


This method returns the data the adapter wants to store to the database. The DBMS controller should use this endpoint to collect the data it will store to the driver.

public dbGetData() : mixed
Return values

Data to be contained in the database.


This method does nothing as this field has no direct data in the DBMS and therefore it just ignores whatever the database tries to input.

public dbSetData(mixed $data) : mixed
$data : mixed
Return values


Returns the field this adapter holds data for. This is important for the database driver as it will have to locate the field where it has to place this data.

public getField() : Field
Return values

The field this represents


Returns the parent model for this adapter. This allows any application to trace what adapter this adapter belongs to.

public getModel() : Model
Return values


Returns the query that would be used to retrieve the elements for this adapter. This can be used to add restrictions and query the related records

public getQuery() : Query
Return values


Allows the adapter to tell the database driver whether the data inside this is synced (has not been modified) and should be stored to the database to avoid being lost.

public isSynced() : bool

If data considers itself non-DB friendly (like arrays / subrecords /etc) these should return false always and use the commit method to store the data.

Return values

Indicates whether the data is already in sync. Returns false if it should be stored.


public offsetExists(mixed $offset) : mixed
$offset : mixed
Return values


public offsetGet(mixed $offset) : mixed
$offset : mixed
Return values


public offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : mixed
$offset : mixed
$value : mixed
Return values


public offsetUnset(mixed $offset) : mixed
$offset : mixed
Return values


Resets the content inside the adapter. In case you don't want to keep the altered data and want to modify or read the original source data instead of the altered one.

public rollback() : mixed
Return values


Returns the data that is meant to reach the 'user space'. Objects here should be programmer friendly and can be objects if needed.

public usrGetData() : mixed

You should avoid making verifications / parsing the data in this function, stuff you think should go here probably belongs in dbSetData()

Return values

Data to be delivered to the programmer


Defines the data inside this adapter. In case the user is trying to set this adapter as the source for itself, which can happen in case the user is reading the adapter and expecting himself to save it back this function will do nothing.

public usrSetData(ManyToManyAdapter|array<string|int, Model$data) : mixed
$data : ManyToManyAdapter|array<string|int, Model>

Fix to allow for user input

Return values

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