
StringAdapter extends BaseAdapter
in package

This adapter allows any data type that uses strings to interact directly with the string fields inside the database. Nothing is done inside this adapter.

Table of Contents

$data  : mixed
The current data stored in this adapter. The data can be validated before being sent to the DBMS and parsed before being used in this system. This is the data the system usually handles as there is no use for the data that was originally placed inside the DB.
$field  : Field
This is the logical field the adapter contains data for. Allowing the system to check the type of the field and several other tasks that are necessary.
$model  : Model
This is the model this field belongs to. This makes it possible for this object to act accordingly to a certain content (for example, you want to deliver data about a relationship between two elements).
$src  : mixed
This property holds the data as it has been fetched from the database. This can cause issues when holding very highly concurrent data as the data could have been modified on the database and stored already. Rolling back does not verify the data on the DBMS hasn't changed.
__construct()  : mixed
Creates a new Adapter. The adapter creates a bridge between a field, a model and the data it contains, the model can use this to create a consistent data relation between the DB and the programmer's scope.
commit()  : mixed
Sets the data as stored to the database and therefore as synced. After committing, rolling back will return the current value.
dbGetData()  : mixed
Returns the data as it should be stored by the DBMS. Please note that most DBMS don't accept any complex types like Arrays and Objects directly, this method allows to prepare the data accordingly before storing it.
dbSetData()  : mixed
When the database defines the data it is important that it also overrides the src element, setting this element as in sync again. This is important as otherwise the element will find data that is not in sync even though it was.
getField()  : Field
Returns the field (database column) the adapter is holding data for. This allows the driver to test for the field or getting it's name when needed.
getModel()  : Model
Returns the Model containing this adapter. Allowing to have objects which do not have a reference to the model it belongs to to read the data.
isSynced()  : bool
Returns the current synchronization status with the database. If the data is the same inside the database and the program scope this function will return true. Otherwise it'll return false.
rollback()  : mixed
Resets the data to the status the database holds. This is especially interesting if you want to undo certain changes.
usrGetData()  : mixed
Returns the data for the user scope. This may contain special objects and arrays as opposed to the methods planned for the DBMS.
usrSetData()  : mixed
Returns the data that is meant to reach the 'user space'. Objects here should be programmer friendly and can be objects if needed.
validate()  : ValidationResult
Returns whether the data is valid or not. This data is stored inside a ValidationResult class allowing further checks.



The current data stored in this adapter. The data can be validated before being sent to the DBMS and parsed before being used in this system. This is the data the system usually handles as there is no use for the data that was originally placed inside the DB.

private mixed $data


This is the logical field the adapter contains data for. Allowing the system to check the type of the field and several other tasks that are necessary.

private Field $field


This is the model this field belongs to. This makes it possible for this object to act accordingly to a certain content (for example, you want to deliver data about a relationship between two elements).

private Model $model


This property holds the data as it has been fetched from the database. This can cause issues when holding very highly concurrent data as the data could have been modified on the database and stored already. Rolling back does not verify the data on the DBMS hasn't changed.

private mixed $src



Creates a new Adapter. The adapter creates a bridge between a field, a model and the data it contains, the model can use this to create a consistent data relation between the DB and the programmer's scope.

public __construct(Field $field, Model $model) : mixed
$field : Field
$model : Model
Return values


Sets the data as stored to the database and therefore as synced. After committing, rolling back will return the current value.

public commit() : mixed
Return values


Returns the data as it should be stored by the DBMS. Please note that most DBMS don't accept any complex types like Arrays and Objects directly, this method allows to prepare the data accordingly before storing it.

public dbGetData() : mixed
Return values


When the database defines the data it is important that it also overrides the src element, setting this element as in sync again. This is important as otherwise the element will find data that is not in sync even though it was.

public dbSetData(mixed $data) : mixed
$data : mixed
Return values


Returns the field (database column) the adapter is holding data for. This allows the driver to test for the field or getting it's name when needed.

public getField() : Field
Return values


Returns the Model containing this adapter. Allowing to have objects which do not have a reference to the model it belongs to to read the data.

public getModel() : Model
Return values


Returns the current synchronization status with the database. If the data is the same inside the database and the program scope this function will return true. Otherwise it'll return false.

public isSynced() : bool
Return values


Resets the data to the status the database holds. This is especially interesting if you want to undo certain changes.

public rollback() : mixed
Return values


Returns the data for the user scope. This may contain special objects and arrays as opposed to the methods planned for the DBMS.

public usrGetData() : mixed
Return values


Returns the data that is meant to reach the 'user space'. Objects here should be programmer friendly and can be objects if needed.

public usrSetData(mixed $data) : mixed

You should avoid making verifications / parsing the data in this function, stuff you think should go here probably belongs in dbSetData()

$data : mixed

Data to be contained in the database.

Return values

Data to be delivered to the programmer


Returns whether the data is valid or not. This data is stored inside a ValidationResult class allowing further checks.

public validate() : ValidationResult
Return values

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