
ChildrenField extends Field
in package

The children field allows the application to maintain a relationship in the database that acts like an array of models that depend on the current model.


Move to a proper namespaced class, but we need to find a mechanism for aliasing classes that works properly.

Table of Contents

TYPE_BOOLEAN  = 'boolean'
TYPE_BRIDGED  = 'bridged'
TYPE_CHILDREN  = 'children'
TYPE_DATETIME  = 'datetime'
TYPE_FILE  = 'file'
TYPE_FLOAT  = 'float'
This constants represent the list of basic data types that spitfire supports. This should be supported by the DBMS to be used.
TYPE_LONG  = 'long'
TYPE_REFERENCE  = 'reference'
TYPE_STRING  = 'string'
TYPE_TEXT  = 'txt'
$role  : string|null
$target  : string|Schema|Model
$auto_increment  : bool
Indicates whether the field is to be incremented everytime a new record is inserted into the DBMS. This task is handled by the DBMS and Spitfire therefore does not guarantee nor enforce that the task of incrementing the field is handled correctly.
$default  : mixed
Contains the default value for this field. In the event of this field being null but the field not-nullable, the driver should define a proper "empty" value for it's data type.
$name  : string
Contains the name of the field inside of the model. This name should be unique and is recommended not to conatin any underscores or hyphens other than those generated by Spitfire itself to indicate it's relation with other fields and models.
$nullable  : bool
Defines whether the field's value can be set to null or not. In case this happens the database will allow null values for this field.
$physical  : Field|array<string|int, Field>
Contains the physical (DB) fields that are used to store the data this Field generates. For most data types Spitfire will just generate one physical field for each logical one.
$primary  : bool
This property indicates whether the field belongs or not to the model 's primary Key. This key is the one used to identify records uniquely.
$schema  : Schema
Contains a reference to the parent model. This allows this field to interact with it and to retrieve information about the model, the table it is in and even the DB engine that holds them.
$unique  : bool
This indicates whether the content of this field needs to be enforced to be unique. This restriction is handled by the DBMS and Spitfire does not guarantee that this is respected.
__construct()  : mixed
__toString()  : string
Returns the name of the Field, this is purely a conveiencce method to shorten code writing and make it easier to read.
findReference()  : Reference
This method used to provide a mechanism to finding the target. Since getReferencedField does the job and does it better, this method is deprecated.
getAdapter()  : AdapterInterface
Returns the adapter this field wants to use for the database interaction, usually this will be a BaseAdapter that allows the most basic interaction with the most basic kinds of fields.
getBeanField()  : Field|null
Returns the field the bean should use to render this. In case it returns null it means the field has no suggestions and the Bean should choose the way to render it
getConnectorQueries()  : mixed
getDataType()  : mixed
This method informs the system what primary datatype the overriding Field class uses. You can define custom classes that store data into any DBMS by defining which primary data they use.
getDefault()  : mixed
getModel()  : Schema
Gets the parent model for this field. This allows the field to deliver data about which fields it's a sibling to and which fields it refers too.
getName()  : string
Returns the name of this field. The name identifies this field among the rest of the fields of the same model / table.
getNullable()  : mixed
getPhysical()  : array<string|int, Field>
This method returns an array of Fields. Even if the field has only one db equivalent the return value will be an array, for consistency with fields which return several ones.
getReferencedField()  : Reference
Retrieves the field that this child field references. Although the children field has no representation in the DBMS it does provide a simplified mechanism to access the data in a table that references the current model.
getRole()  : mixed
getSchema()  : mixed
getTable()  : Table
Returns the table this field belongs to. This is just a shortcut method provided to allow making logical fields and DBFields compatible.
getTarget()  : Schema
Returns the model this fields is pointing to, the child model. It is referred as target due to the fact that this field is pointing at it.
isAutoIncrement()  : bool
Returns whether the field is autoincrement. This means, everytime a new record of this kind is created the auto_increment field is increased by 1.
isIndexed()  : bool
The return value of this method indicates whether the DBMS SHOULD create an index on this field. This depends on the kind of content and the settings of this field.
isPrimary()  : bool
Returns true if the field belongs to the table's primary key. Keep in mind that a primary key can cover several fields.
isUnique()  : bool
Returns true if the field has a unique flag, alas it's content cannot be repeated among several records.
makePhysical()  : mixed
This method initializes the Physical equivalent(s) of the Field, this is done in a separate method from the contructor to ease overriding of this logic.
setAutoIncrement()  : self
Defines whether the field is used as autoincrement field. This setting will have no effect on any field that is not an integer field.
setDefault()  : mixed
setModel()  : mixed
Defines which model this field belongs to. This data basically is redundant but quickens development and makes it more efficient to find the model for the field.
setName()  : Field
Sets the name of this field. The name identifies this field among the rest of the fields of the same model / table.
setNullable()  : mixed
setPhysical()  : mixed
Sets the physical equivalent of this field. This needs to be a instance of DBField or an array of those.
setPrimary()  : self
Defines whether this belongs to the primary key or not. This will also automatically set the unique flag to true.
setSchema()  : mixed
Defines which model this field belongs to. This data basically is redundant but quickens development and makes it more efficient to find the model for the field.
setUnique()  : self
Allows you to define whether the current field only allows unique (non repeated) values. When using data that only should allow unique values setting this flag to true will consistently increase the speed of database queries.
validate()  : bool|ValidationError



public mixed TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'boolean'


public mixed TYPE_BRIDGED = 'bridged'


public mixed TYPE_CHILDREN = 'children'


public mixed TYPE_DATETIME = 'datetime'


public mixed TYPE_FILE = 'file'


public mixed TYPE_FLOAT = 'float'


This constants represent the list of basic data types that spitfire supports. This should be supported by the DBMS to be used.

public mixed TYPE_INTEGER = 'int'

Move or remove. The idea of these constants was to define the field's raw data in a way that DBMS's could understand. Since we now do support instanceof tests, these are just a superfluous way of restating what the system already knows about the field. And in the event of this data conflicting with the data provided by the class even causing trouble.


public mixed TYPE_LONG = 'long'


public mixed TYPE_REFERENCE = 'reference'


public mixed TYPE_STRING = 'string'


public mixed TYPE_TEXT = 'txt'



Indicates whether the field is to be incremented everytime a new record is inserted into the DBMS. This task is handled by the DBMS and Spitfire therefore does not guarantee nor enforce that the task of incrementing the field is handled correctly.

private bool $auto_increment = false


Contains the default value for this field. In the event of this field being null but the field not-nullable, the driver should define a proper "empty" value for it's data type.

private mixed $default


Contains the name of the field inside of the model. This name should be unique and is recommended not to conatin any underscores or hyphens other than those generated by Spitfire itself to indicate it's relation with other fields and models.

private string $name


Defines whether the field's value can be set to null or not. In case this happens the database will allow null values for this field.

private bool $nullable = true


Contains the physical (DB) fields that are used to store the data this Field generates. For most data types Spitfire will just generate one physical field for each logical one.

private Field|array<string|int, Field> $physical

Only common exception to this are the Referenced fields, which need to generate one field for each remote primary field.


This property indicates whether the field belongs or not to the model 's primary Key. This key is the one used to identify records uniquely.

private bool $primary = false

since version 0.1-dev 20170804


Contains a reference to the parent model. This allows this field to interact with it and to retrieve information about the model, the table it is in and even the DB engine that holds them.

private Schema $schema

Rename to schema


This indicates whether the content of this field needs to be enforced to be unique. This restriction is handled by the DBMS and Spitfire does not guarantee that this is respected.

private bool $unique = false

since version 0.1-dev 20170804



public __construct(string|Schema|Model $target, string $role) : mixed
$target : string|Schema|Model
$role : string
Return values


Returns the name of the Field, this is purely a conveiencce method to shorten code writing and make it easier to read.

public __toString() : string
Return values


This method used to provide a mechanism to finding the target. Since getReferencedField does the job and does it better, this method is deprecated.

public findReference() : Reference

since version 0.1-dev 20160905

Return values


Returns the adapter this field wants to use for the database interaction, usually this will be a BaseAdapter that allows the most basic interaction with the most basic kinds of fields.

public getAdapter(Model $model) : AdapterInterface

But you can also create custom adapters that manage complex data and return them here.

$model : Model

The model to contain the adapter

Return values

The new adapter


Returns the field the bean should use to render this. In case it returns null it means the field has no suggestions and the Bean should choose the way to render it

public getBeanField(CoffeeBean $bean, Field $field, string $caption) : Field|null
$bean : CoffeeBean
$field : Field
$caption : string
Return values


public getConnectorQueries(Query $parent) : mixed
$parent : Query
Return values


This method informs the system what primary datatype the overriding Field class uses. You can define custom classes that store data into any DBMS by defining which primary data they use.

public getDataType() : mixed
Return values


public getDefault() : mixed
Return values


Gets the parent model for this field. This allows the field to deliver data about which fields it's a sibling to and which fields it refers too.

public getModel() : Schema
Return values


Returns the name of this field. The name identifies this field among the rest of the fields of the same model / table.

public getName() : string
Return values


public getNullable() : mixed
Return values


This method returns an array of Fields. Even if the field has only one db equivalent the return value will be an array, for consistency with fields which return several ones.

public getPhysical() : array<string|int, Field>
Return values
array<string|int, Field>


Retrieves the field that this child field references. Although the children field has no representation in the DBMS it does provide a simplified mechanism to access the data in a table that references the current model.

public getReferencedField() : Reference

If the programmer provided a target we can just check that the field exists and return it, otherwise we need to search for a field that references this model and return that.

Return values


public getRole() : mixed
Return values


public getSchema() : mixed
Return values


Returns the table this field belongs to. This is just a shortcut method provided to allow making logical fields and DBFields compatible.

public getTable() : Table
Return values


Returns the model this fields is pointing to, the child model. It is referred as target due to the fact that this field is pointing at it.

public getTarget() : Schema
Return values


Returns whether the field is autoincrement. This means, everytime a new record of this kind is created the auto_increment field is increased by 1.

public isAutoIncrement() : bool
Return values


The return value of this method indicates whether the DBMS SHOULD create an index on this field. This depends on the kind of content and the settings of this field.

public isIndexed() : bool

Spitfire automatically chooses the right settings for you, this function should be overriden by methods for field types that have higher performance with specific values.


since version 0.1-dev 20170804

Return values


Returns true if the field belongs to the table's primary key. Keep in mind that a primary key can cover several fields.

public isPrimary() : bool

since version 0.1-dev 20170804

Return values


Returns true if the field has a unique flag, alas it's content cannot be repeated among several records.

public isUnique() : bool

[NOTICE] If the field is a primary key this will return true. Due to the primary having to be unique.


since version 0.1-dev 20170804

Return values


This method initializes the Physical equivalent(s) of the Field, this is done in a separate method from the contructor to ease overriding of this logic.

public makePhysical() : mixed
Return values


Defines whether the field is used as autoincrement field. This setting will have no effect on any field that is not an integer field.

public setAutoIncrement(bool $ai) : self
$ai : bool
Return values


public setDefault(mixed $default) : mixed
$default : mixed
Return values


Defines which model this field belongs to. This data basically is redundant but quickens development and makes it more efficient to find the model for the field.

public setModel(Schema $model) : mixed
$model : Schema

since version 0.1-dev 201710131759

Return values


Sets the name of this field. The name identifies this field among the rest of the fields of the same model / table.

public setName(string $name) : Field
$name : string

New name of the field.

Return values

The field, for method chaining


public setNullable(mixed $nullable) : mixed
$nullable : mixed
Return values


Sets the physical equivalent of this field. This needs to be a instance of DBField or an array of those.

public setPhysical(Field|array<string|int, Field$physical) : mixed

[NOTICE] As it is uncommon for this function to be called with invalid data (due to be being mainly an internal function) there is no validation being done for the type of data that is inserted. Be careful!

$physical : Field|array<string|int, Field>
Return values


Defines whether this belongs to the primary key or not. This will also automatically set the unique flag to true.

public setPrimary(bool $primary) : self
$primary : bool

since version 0.1-dev 20170804

Return values


Defines which model this field belongs to. This data basically is redundant but quickens development and makes it more efficient to find the model for the field.

public setSchema(Schema $schema) : mixed
$schema : Schema
Return values


Allows you to define whether the current field only allows unique (non repeated) values. When using data that only should allow unique values setting this flag to true will consistently increase the speed of database queries.

public setUnique(bool $unique) : self
$unique : bool

since version 0.1-dev 20170804

Return values


public validate(type $value) : bool|ValidationError
$value : type

Validation should be either attributed to the model or the beans


since version 0.1-dev 20171016

Return values

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