
in package

Represents an error detected while validating an element. This class contains information to aid a user of the system to solve the errors encountered and generating a valid input that is useful.


César de la Cal



Table of Contents

$extendedMessage  : string
The additional information the system has available to help the user solve the error in case they could need it.
$message  : string
The message given to the user to help fix the error. This is simply a message indicating what the error has been.
$src  : mixed
A reference to the element generating the error. This allows assigning the data and writing it next to the correct fields in case this behavior is wanted.
$subErrors  : array<string|int, ValidationError>
A list of errors that are part of this error. This is useful when a field requires several validations like passwords or usernames which may generate several errors at once.
__construct()  : mixed
Creates a new validation error. This represents an error during validation and holds information that should be helpful to resolve the source of it without the need of support. All the parameters except the error message are optional.
__toString()  : mixed
getExtendedMessage()  : string
Provides additional information about the error the data the user typed in has generated. This is an extended version of the message and should also provide useful help on solving the kind of error.
getMessage()  : string
Gets the error message that explains the source of this in a user friendly fashion. This message is meant to be delivered tot he end user of the system.
getSrc()  : mixed
Returns a reference to the element that generated the error. This allows to check where the error originated and print error data next to the data input we're using to read the data.
getSubErrors()  : array<string|int, ValidationError>
Returns a list of suberrors that this error may have generated. This allows you to specify several error information data in a single form control.
putSubError()  : ValidationError
Adds a suberror to the object.
setExtendedMessage()  : mixed
This message holds additional information to help the user fixing the data they provided to a form or whatever they used to enter data.
setMessage()  : mixed
Sets the message the user receives as reason why the data was rejected. This information is meant to provide him with means to fix the issue.
setSrc()  : mixed
Holds a reference to the source of the error. This will aid printing the error data next to the input where it generated, making it easier for the users to spot where they entered invalid data.
setSubErrors()  : ValidationError
Defines a list of suberrors to this one to make this error 'composite'. It will provide a list of errors that all happened as part of this one.



The additional information the system has available to help the user solve the error in case they could need it.

private string $extendedMessage

. "An email must contain alphanumeric characters and @ and ."


The message given to the user to help fix the error. This is simply a message indicating what the error has been.

private string $message

. "Invalid email entered"


A reference to the element generating the error. This allows assigning the data and writing it next to the correct fields in case this behavior is wanted.

private mixed $src

The source has been deprecated, the idea is that the source should be in charge of aggregating errors generated by it and provide these to the components that may need it.


since version 0.1-dev 20180516


A list of errors that are part of this error. This is useful when a field requires several validations like passwords or usernames which may generate several errors at once.

private array<string|int, ValidationError> $subErrors

This field also became deprecated in favor of having an array of ValidationErrors in every ValidationException when it is raised.


since version 0.1-dev 20180516



Creates a new validation error. This represents an error during validation and holds information that should be helpful to resolve the source of it without the need of support. All the parameters except the error message are optional.

public __construct(string $message[, string $extendedMessage = '' ][, mixed &$src = null ]) : mixed
$message : string
$extendedMessage : string = ''
$src : mixed = null
Return values


Provides additional information about the error the data the user typed in has generated. This is an extended version of the message and should also provide useful help on solving the kind of error.

public getExtendedMessage() : string
Return values


Gets the error message that explains the source of this in a user friendly fashion. This message is meant to be delivered tot he end user of the system.

public getMessage() : string
Return values


Returns a reference to the element that generated the error. This allows to check where the error originated and print error data next to the data input we're using to read the data.

public getSrc() : mixed
Return values


Returns a list of suberrors that this error may have generated. This allows you to specify several error information data in a single form control.

public getSubErrors() : array<string|int, ValidationError>
Return values
array<string|int, ValidationError>


This message holds additional information to help the user fixing the data they provided to a form or whatever they used to enter data.

public setExtendedMessage(string $extendedMessage) : mixed
$extendedMessage : string
Return values


Sets the message the user receives as reason why the data was rejected. This information is meant to provide him with means to fix the issue.

public setMessage(string $message) : mixed
$message : string
Return values


Holds a reference to the source of the error. This will aid printing the error data next to the input where it generated, making it easier for the users to spot where they entered invalid data.

public setSrc(mixed &$src) : mixed
$src : mixed
Return values

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