
in package
implements ValidationRule

Validates that the length of a content is bigger than the indicated minimum length. This validates only data as strings which may cause unexpected behavior if you try to test the length of an array.


César de la Cal

Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Classes implementing this one indicate their ability to test a variable and verify that it's contents are according to what was expected.

Table of Contents

$extendedMessage  : string
Additional information given to the user in case the validation did not succeed. This message can hold additional infos on how to solve the error.
$length  : int
The minimum length a string passed to this element must have for the test to be passed successfully.
$message  : string
A message the validation error generated by this object should carry to give the end user information about the reason his input was rejected.
__construct()  : mixed
test()  : ValidationError|bool
Tests a value with this validation rule. Returns the errors detected for this element or boolean false on no errors.



Additional information given to the user in case the validation did not succeed. This message can hold additional infos on how to solve the error.

private string $extendedMessage


The minimum length a string passed to this element must have for the test to be passed successfully.

private int $length


A message the validation error generated by this object should carry to give the end user information about the reason his input was rejected.

private string $message



public __construct(mixed $length, mixed $message[, mixed $extendedMessage = '' ]) : mixed
$length : mixed
$message : mixed
$extendedMessage : mixed = ''
Return values

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