

Interfaces, Classes and Traits

An adapter is basically a simple block that contains receives and delivers data both to the user and the database. This turns it into a great tool to sanitize user data and prepare information from the DB in a way that it's user friendly.
This base adapter allows overriding methods to let it handle the actual getting, setting and sync tasks to this base adapter. Allowing them to reduce duplicate code from the actual returning and storing data and focusing on their tasks.
This adapter allows to verify that data that is inside the adapter is boolean only. You can set whatever data you want but the adapter will just keep it's boolean conversion.
Children refers to all models that refer to another (parent) model. This allows to manage Relational databases like they're documents.
This class creates an interface between the usual database's string or integer based approach to an object oriented one that allows building apps easier.
This adapter is in charge of ensuring that only values that are inside the range defined by the field are stored. If the user tries to set data that is not valid the adapter will throw an exception.
This adapter is in charge of ensuring that only integers reach the database channeled through it. So, whenever the user sets data to it we will perform a check to see if it's Integer data. Otherwise they'll get an exception.
This adapter is in charge of ensuring that only integers reach the database channeled through it. So, whenever the user sets data to it we will perform a check to see if it's Integer data. Otherwise they'll get an exception.
This adapter allows the user to access Many to many relations inside the database as if it was an array with sorted data. This makes it easy to iterate over records or do actions on them. Please note that some of the actions performed on this records are very database intensive and are therefore to be used with care.
The reference adapter allows models to provide models for objects that are just referenced. This prevents the user from having to resolve IDs manually.
This adapter allows any data type that uses strings to interact directly with the string fields inside the database. Nothing is done inside this adapter.

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