

Interfaces, Classes and Traits

This rule tests values against a provided function that checks whether the data it will receive later is valid.
Validates a value is not empty. This allows the system to make sure that a required field has not been field with useless data.
A filter based validation rule allows you to use premade PHP filters to validate your content. Please note that a filter that sanitizes may cause unwanted behavior or unexpected ones.
Validates that the length of a content is smaller than the indicated minimum length. This validates only data as strings which may cause unexpected behavior if you try to test the length of an array.
Validates that the length of a content is smaller than the indicated minimum length. This validates only data as strings which may cause unexpected behavior if you try to test the length of an array.
Validates that the length of a content is smaller than the indicated minimum length. This validates only data as strings which may cause unexpected behavior if you try to test the length of an array.
Validates that the length of a content is bigger than the indicated minimum length. This validates only data as strings which may cause unexpected behavior if you try to test the length of an array.
Validates that the length of a content is smaller than the indicated minimum length. This validates only data as strings which may cause unexpected behavior if you try to test the length of an array.
This filter ensures that a number provided to it was positive.
Validates a value is not empty. This allows the system to make sure that a required field has not been field with useless data.
Validation groups allow an application to use several different criteria to create complex validation schemes that would otherwise require writing complex rules or if statements.

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